One of the best tools available for AJAX development is Firebug. This tool is a plugin for Firefox with many abilities. The one we will look at specifically here is the ability to drill down into the DOM structure of a browser page. We are going to look at how this tool works. First, we will have a look at the previous example and use the radio button for our divide selection. Here is a screenshot of the page in which we run Firebug. Refer to for the features of this plugin.

We see the Inspect menu item at the top. If we click on it, then we will be able to click on the radio button besides the Divide text. This in turn will give us the following in our console view:

If we then go to the right-hand side pane of Firebug and click on the DOM item, we will get the structure details of the object. There are several types of objects that are explained in detail in ColdFusion and this gets loaded with AJAX pages. These can be entered by clicking on the Console...