Using CiviCase for membership induction
In this recipe, we will use CiviCase to provide a membership communication scheme for complex organizations. For example, you may have a large organization where different staff members, volunteers, and representatives have responsibility for the different stages in a membership induction program. There might be a membership officer, membership office staff, regional office staff, and specialist office staff. CiviCase allows us to allocate activities to everyone involved in this process.
How to do it…
We will create a CiviCase to handle the activities associated with a membership induction program. In our imaginary scenario, a new member induction scheme might be implemented as follows:
- Navigate to Administer | System Settings | CiviCRM Components and enable CiviCase.
- Navigate to Administer | Customize Data and Screens | Activity Types. Create activity types to cater to all the activities involved in your membership program.
- Set User For to CiviCase...