CereusReporting is the new name of the nmidCreatePDF plugin. It was introduced with version 1.0 and refers to the name of a Cacti species, underlining the close relationship to the Cacti performance monitoring tool.
CereusReporting allows the creation of PDF reports and comes as a free Express Edition as well as a commercial Corporate Edition. Commercially available modules with additional functionality can be enabled for the Express Edition. These modules include report scheduling and mailing as well as other more advanced features.
The Express Edition also supports the nmidSmokeping plugin for adding Smokeping graphs to the PDF report.
The Express and Corporate Edition share the same code, so let's install the Express Edition now. This installation assumes that you are using Cacti 0.8.7g with PIA 2.9 installed.
You can get the latest version from the CereusReporting project page here:
http://redmine.nmid-plugins.de/projects/nmidcreatepdf/files. This example is...