Chapter 12. Playing with Max 6 Framework
This chapter will teach us some tips and techniques that we can use with the Max 6 graphical programming framework and Arduino boards.
We introduced this amazing framework in Chapter 6, Sense the World – Feeling with Analog Inputs, while we learned about Arduino analog input handling. Reading the previous chapter is a requirement to better understand and learn the techniques developed in this chapter. I even suggest you read the Max 6 introduction part again.
In this chapter, we will learn how to send data to Arduino from Max 6. We will also describe how we can handle and parse the data being received from Arduino.
Arduino adds a lot of features to your Max 6 programs. Indeed, it provides a way to plug Max 6 into the real physical world. Through two examples, we are going to understand a nice way of working with Arduino, the computer and most advanced programming framework ever.
Let's go.