Discussing tips and techniques for optimizing our C++ trading system
In this section, we will present a few possible areas where we can optimize our C++ trading ecosystem. Note that these are only some examples and a lot more is possible, but we will leave you to measure and discover those inefficiencies, as well as improve on them. To reiterate what we have mentioned a few times before, you should measure the performance of various parts of your system with everything we learned in the previous chapter, Adding instrumentation and measuring performance. You should analyze them using the approach we discussed in this chapter and use the C++ discussions we had in the chapter Exploring C++ Concepts from a Low-Latency Application’s Perspective to improve on them further. Now, let us discuss some areas of improvement next. We have tried to arrange these loosely in order from least to most effort.
Optimizing the release build
The first suggestion would be to try and optimize...