Kubernetes is the most widely used container orchestrator and works with different container and network runtimes. In this chapter, you learned about the basics of Kubernetes, its architecture, and some of the important infrastructure components, such as etcd, the API server, controller managers, and the scheduler, along with their purpose. Plus, we looked at important resources that can be deployed to manage applications, such as Pods, replication controllers, ReplicaSets, Deployments, and Services.
AKS provides a couple of different networking stacks—Azure CNI and Kubenet. They provide different strategies for assigning IP addresses to Pods. While Azure CNI provides IP addresses to Pods from the underlying subnet, Kubenet uses virtual IP addresses only.
We also covered some of the features provided exclusively by Azure, such as virtual nodes, and concepts around virtual kubelet. In the next chapter, we will learn about the provisioning and configuring resources...