Hardware and software requirements
This project is based on hacking a commercial device to control light directly from your computer via USB. However, the goal is really to teach you how to hack your own device, so the device that you are going to hack doesn't matter that much. Therefore, mentioning a specific brand or product is irrelevant.
Since this chapter is about hacking a device that uses dangerous voltages such as 110V or 230V, it should be considered only as an informational source and not be used as such in your home for safety reasons. Indeed, there is no way to be sure that the device will continue working properly in the long term once installed in your home.
Also, make sure to never touch the inside of the device when it is under operation and make sure that no cables are coming out of the plastic enclosure.
What you want first is a device that integrates a plug that's controllable remotely. For example, I chose a pack of four identical devices that can be controlled...