As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
3D features
creating 507-511
creating, in Scene 511-513
height, adding to 513, 514
new 3D observation points feature class, creating 514, 515
new point features, digitizing 516-519
3D multipatch features
converting to 505
3D scene
2D layer, converting to 3D 486-489
configuring 481-484
creating 477-480
database connection, adding 480, 481
layers, adding to 484, 485
layer symbology, adjusting 485, 486
Add Data button
used, for adding map layers 31, 32
labels, converting to 105-107
Append geoprocessing tool 380
results, verifying 383-385
running 381-383
Append tool
used, for adding data to layer 494, 495
ArcGIS Online
new layer, sharing to 258-263
ArcGIS Online, layer
adding 41-44
hosted basemap...