Chapter 5: Demonstration of Meeting Needs: Verification and Validation
This chapter is all about demonstrating that the system meets the needs of the stakeholders. There are a number of aspects to this, such as providing important information necessary for certification and system maintenance (for example, traceability), showing stakeholders what's in the work product(s) (walk-throughs and simulations), supporting analysis (simulation and analysis), demonstrating that the design satisfies the requirements (verification), and showing that the system meets the needs of the stakeholders (validation). This is not done just at the end but frequently or even continuously throughout the systems development process.
The recipes in this chapter are as follows:
- Model simulation
- Model-based testing
- Computable constraint modeling
- Traceability
- Effective reviews and walk-throughs
- Test-driven modeling
George Box famously said that all models are wrong, but...