Migrating to Kubernetes Configuration Using Compose
In the last few chapters, we deployed a Compose application to production using two cloud providers: AWS and Azure. We provisioned container registries and VPCs, as well as other cloud components such as load balancers. We created cloud-native applications and took advantage of the features provided by the cloud such as autoscaling, as well as load balancing.
In this chapter, we will focus on migrating our Compose application to a popular container orchestration engine: Kubernetes. Over the last few years, Kubernetes has grown a lot in popularity and it has a rich ecosystem of utilities and tools. There are many reasons nowadays for an engineer to choose Kubernetes as a container orchestration engine. This does not conflict with using Compose and Kubernetes. Compose can be the lightweight tool that can assist during local development, while Kubernetes can be the choice for production. In this chapter, we will make a transition...