Section 3: Apache ShardingSphere Real-World Examples, Performance, and Scenario Tests
On completion of this part, you will walk away feeling empowered thanks to the thorough understanding you'll have developed of using ShardingSphere. This part will provide you with the chance to apply theory to practice through the scenarios and real-world examples provided and to find out how to get the best performance out of your system thanks to baseline and performance testing.
This section comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 8, Apache ShardingSphere Advanced Usage – Database Plus and Plugin Platform
- Chapter 9, Baseline and Performance Test System Introduction
- Chapter 10, Testing Frequently Encountered Application Scenarios
- Chapter 11, Exploring the Best Use Cases for ShardingSphere
- Chapter 12, Applying Theory to Practical Real-World Examples
- Appendix and the Evolution of the Apache ShardingSphere Open Source Community