4.8 How do you Publish Content to a Website?
We have seen how the content can be entered in a Docbase using the Web Publisher tool and how system administration can be performed by using Documentum Administrator.
The content and its properties (metadata) in the Documentum system now need to be published out to the website so that it can be displayed on the site. It is the Documentum Site Caching Services (SCS), formerly known as WebCache, that helps us publish content and its metadata (document attributes) from Documentum Web Publisher system to a website, ensuring that the content seen on the website is accurate.
4.8.1 Site Caching Services
SCS does not create, manage, or store content in Documentum; this is done by Content Server. SCS simply exports the documents (whose object type is a sub type of dm_sysobject
object type) and their associated attributes from Docbase to a pre-configured website.
The integration of SCS with Web Publisher happens via a 'Site Publishing Configuration',...