6.4 Stopping and Starting Docbase and DocBroker
Documentum Server Manager is installed when Content Server has been installed and set up. It is a simple interface that can be used to start and stop DocBrokers and Docbases. In fact, Documentum Server Manager can be used to perform a host of other operations as well, such as:
Executing DQL and Server API commands
Viewing Docbase server logs and DocBroker log files
filesAnalyzing server performance through performance monitor
You can stop a running Docbase service by selecting the Docbase in question as shown in figure 6.19 and clicking the Stop button. Alternatively, you can start a stopped Docbase by clicking the Start button.
Similarly, by switching over to the DocBroker tab in Documentum Server Manager, you can start and stop the DocBroker(s) as shown in figure 6.20.