Pandorabots is a free open source-based web service that enables developers to create and host chatbots on the web (see Currently, more than 221,000 chatbots are hosted, covering a range of languages. There is also a premium service for commercial development. Many VPAs on mobile devices have been created using Pandorabots. These include Voice Actions by Pannous (also known as Jeannie), Skyvi, Iris, and Pandorabot's own CallMom app. CallMom can perform the same sorts of tasks as other VPAs, but also includes a learning feature so that it can learn personal preferences and contacts, and can be taught to correct speech recognition errors.
ALICE 2.0 is one of the chatbot personalities available in the CallMom
app. Its predecessor ALICE, originally developed in 1995 by Dr. Richard S. Wallace, has won numerous awards in chatbot competitions, including the Loebner prize that is awarded to the chatbot, which in an annual competition is considered by judges...