In this chapter, we have successfully created and solved a game scenario. By assessing what your player will expect to see in the game you present to them—outside of your prior knowledge of its workings—you can best devise the approach you must take as a developer.
Try to consider each new element in your game from the player's perspective—play existing games, think about real-world scenarios, and most of all, assume no prior knowledge from the player (even of existing game traditions, as they may be new to gaming.) The most intuitive gameplay is always found in games that strike a balance between the difficulties in achieving the tasks set and properly equipping the player for the task in terms of information and familiarity with the intended approach. Appropriate feedback for the player is crucial here, be it visual or audio based—always consider what feedback the player has at all times when designing any game.
Now that we have explored a basic game scenario and looked at how we...