Test your knowledge
Q1. You can generate a walkable surface of the level for AI by using...
A. Pathfinding
B. A Collision Box
C. Navigation Mesh
D. A Path Tree
Q2. The Animator window of Mechanim is useful for...
A. Controlling when and how animations play
B. Creating loopable animations
C. Editing characters
D. Applying inverse kinematics
Q3. To walk on a Navigation Mesh, an object needs...
A. Pathfinding
B. A Collision Box
C. A NavMesh agent component
D. A Collider component
Q4. You can edit animation interpolation by changing...
A. High poly meshes
B. Keyframe curves
C. Box Colliders
D. Mesh renderer components
Q5. The blue local axis arrow of an object is known as...
A. Forward vector
B. Right vector
C. Up vector
D. Pitch