22.5 Mounting an NFS Filesystem on System Startup
It is also possible to configure an Ubuntu system to automatically mount a remote file system each time the system starts up by editing the /etc/fstab file. When loaded into an editor, it will likely resemble the following:
UUID=84982a2e-0dc1-4612-9ffa-13baf91ec558 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
To mount, for example, a folder with the path /tmp which resides on a system with the IP address in the local folder with the path /home/demo/tmp (note that this folder must already exist) add the following line to the /etc/fstab file: /home/demo/tmp nfs rw 0 0
Next time the system reboots the /tmp folder located on the remote system will be mounted on the local /home/demo/tmp mount point. All the files in the remote folder can then be accessed as if they reside on the local...