In Summary
At a high level, spreadsheet disambiguation is the process of ingesting a spreadsheet and turning that spreadsheet into corporate data.
The process starts with the selection of spreadsheets as candidates for corporate data. Most spreadsheets are not good candidates for inclusion into corporate data.
The next step is to log the spreadsheet in for processing.
The next step is the inclusion of the spreadsheet into the path queue.
Next comes the definition of the headings into the ssdef table.
The next step is the pairing of the ssdef specification with the spreadsheet. This step is a useful “self-check” for determining whether changes have been made to the spreadsheet since the last iteration was processed.
The next step is the running of the spreadsheet disambiguation technology. In this step, the values from the spreadsheet are paired up with the context of the values. The context of the values is determined by finding the column name and the...