Docker storage driver performance
In this section, we'll be looking into the performance aspect and comparison of file systems supported by Docker. Pluggable storage driver architecture and the flexibility to plug in a volume is the best approach for containerized environments and production use cases. Docker supports the aufs, btrfs, devicemapper, vfs, zfs, and overlayfs filesystems.
UFS basics
As discussed previously, Docker uses UFS in order to have a read-only, layered approach.
Docker uses UFS to combine several such layers into a single image. This section will take a deep dive into the basics of UFS and storage drivers supported by Docker.
UFS recursively merges several directories into a single virtual view. The fundamental desire of UFS is to have a read-only file system and some writable overlay on it. This gives the illusion that the file system has read-write access, even though it is read-only. UFS uses copy-on-write to support this feature. Also, UFS operates on directories...