An overview of the chapter
Let's call our audio player Achtung Baby
The audio player will be capable of playing audio files in AU, MP2, MP3, OGG/Vorbis, WAV, and WMA formats. It will have all the controls that you would expect of a small media player.
We will use cross-platform modules to write the code. This will ensure that the player can play audio files on the Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.
On completion, the audio player will look like this:

Perhaps the most important takeaway from this chapter is to learn how to create your own widgets in Tkinter.
The seek bar in the preceding screenshot is an example of a custom-made widget that was not natively available in Tkinter but was handcrafted for this particular use case.
After you learn how to create custom widgets, what you can then create will only be limited by what you can imagine.