Chapter 15: Agile Myths
· Agile is anti-documentation
· Agile is anti-planning
· Agile is undisciplined
· Agile requires a lot of rework
· Agile is anti-architecture
· Agile doesn't scale
· Agile solves everything
· Agile is only for IT projects
So given Agile is a mystery for a lot of people because they don't know what it is or don't understand it, well there are a lot of myths or misconceptions around Agile. And I would like to clarify about all of them so that you don't believe any of them.
Let's start with a very common misconception about Agile: Agile is anti-documentation and agile says we shouldn't document anything. Documenting is worthless. Completely untrue, false and a huge misconception around agile. Agile has never said we shouldn't document, on the contrary with agile you are documenting all the time.
Think about user stories...