What is ReplicaSet and how does it differ from ReplicationController?
Let's introduce another Kubernetes object: ReplicaSet. This is very closely related to ReplicationController, which we have just discussed. In fact, this is a successor
to ReplicationController, which has a very similar specification API and capabilities. The purpose of ReplicaSet is also the same—it aims to maintain a fixed number of healthy, identical Pods (replicas) that fulfill certain conditions. So, again, you just specify a template for your Pod, along with appropriate label selectors and the desired number of replicas, and Kubernetes ReplicaSetController (this is the actual name of the controller responsible for maintaining ReplicaSet objects) will carry out the necessary actions to keep the Pods running.
Now, what are the differences between ReplicaSet and ReplicationController? We have summarized these here:
- Most importantly, ReplicaSet allows more advanced, set-based (inclusion, exclusion) label...