- acceptance tests / Testing the basics
- access control, software security / Software security terms
- AccountManager class
- about / AccountManager
- using / AccountManager
- activity
- about / Intents
- Activity.runOnUiThread() method
- about / UI testing and TouchUtils
- ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class
- about / The test case classes
- activity lifecycle methods / Instrumentation
- activity test
- creating / Creating an activity test
- unit test, creating / Creating a unit test
- functional test, creating / Creating a functional test
- executing / Getting the results
- ActivityTestCase class
- about / The test case classes
- ActivityUnitTestCase class
- about / The test case classes
- addMonitor method / Instrumentation
- Allocation Tracker tab
- displaying / Allocation Tracker
- All pairs testing technique / Testing the basics
- Android
- about / The mobile environment
- Android application
- testing...