46.10 Configuring the SiriKit Intent Definition File
Locate the Intents.intentdefinition file and select it to load it into the editor. The file is currently empty, so add a new intent by clicking on the ‘+’ button in the lower left-hand corner of the editor panel and selecting the New Intent menu option:
Figure 46-11
In the Custom Intents panel, rename the new intent to BuyStock as shown in Figure 46-12:
Figure 46-12
Next, change the Category setting in the Custom Intent section of the editor from “Do” to “Buy”, enter “ShortcutDemo” and “Buy stocks and shares” into the Title and Description fields respectively, and enable both the Configurable in Shortcuts and Siri Suggestions options. Since this is a buy category intent, the User confirmation required option is enabled by default and cannot be disabled:
Figure 46-13