Choosing the right architecture
If you were evaluating technologies to choose an architecture framework for your data use cases, what guiding criteria would you use to make the decision? The two popular ones out there are data warehouses and data lakes. The three main dimensions to consider are storage, compute, and governance.
The questions you should ask are: what are your use cases? If they are only BI, do you need to future-proof your investment? What kinds of data are you going to ingest? If it is mostly structured data, then do you want to consider the cost of migrating architectures if your stakeholders suddenly want to understand free text or image data? What about the existing skill set of the data personas who are going to work on this data platform? If you want to retain the best talent, you'll need to give them opportunities to learn and grow, so you'll need to spend some time understanding the capabilities offered by warehouses and lakes and not make a short...