Using Markdown for website content
Markdown is a very popular plain text formatting syntax. It aims to be human readable at all times, while striking a balance between complexity and powerful features. Popular apps like GitHub and StackOverflow make extensive use of Markdown. GitHub has extended Markdown to make it easy to show source code as well.
For instance, the following Markdown helps us lay out a simple document, including some source code that we want to display, as follows:
# This will be an H1 Markdown is very useful stuff! ## This will be an H2 You can easily format text and organize documents with it. Using the GitHub extensions, you can easily display source code like this: ```javascript var a = "Hello World!"; console.log(a); ```
GitHub's gist application would render the previous Markdown like this, adding formatting and even color coding for the JavaScript syntax:
ServiceStack allows us to store web content in Markdown, as GitHub and StackOverflow do, and render it as HTML...