AWS SDK allows you to write code that interacts with AWS services. In this recipe, we will use AWS Java SDK for IAM to do some basic IAM operations to form a Lambda programmatically. We will use it along with Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CLI, which is a general practice followed in most real-world projects.
Using AWS SDK, Amazon CloudFormation, and AWS CLI with Lambda
Getting ready
You need an active AWS account, and read and follow the Getting started section of the recipes, Your first AWS Lambda and Your first Lambda with AWS CLI to set up Java, Maven, the parent project, serverless-cookbook-parent-aws-java, and AWS CLI, and other code usage guidelines.
How to do it...
We will create a Java Maven project and set the parent as serverless-cookbook-parent-aws-java.
- Create a Java Maven project and set dependencies:
- Specify dependencies in the POM file:
Creating the POJOs for requests and response.
- Create a request POJO for accepting requests:
import lombok.Data;
public class IAMOperationRequest {
private String operation;
private String userName;
- Create a POJO for sending back the response from the handler:
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
public class IAMOperationResponse {
private String message;
private String errorMessage;
Creating a service class to implement the IAM Operations using AWS SDK:
- Import the required classes:
- Create and initialize a client object of AmazonIdentityManagement type:
private final AmazonIdentityManagement iamClient;
public IAMService() {
iamClient = AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.defaultClient();
- Write code for creating a user in a method:
CreateUserRequest request = new CreateUserRequest().withUserName(userName);
CreateUserResult response = iamClient.createUser(request);
// get user details from response.
- Write code for checking if a user is present in another method:
boolean done = false;
ListUsersRequest request = new ListUsersRequest();
while (!done) {
ListUsersResult response = iamClient.listUsers(request);
for (User user : response.getUsers()) {
if (user.getUserName().equals(userName)) {
//return success message
if (!response.getIsTruncated()) {
done = true;
// return error message
- Write code for deleting a user in another method:
DeleteUserRequest request = new DeleteUserRequest()
try {
} catch (DeleteConflictException e) {
// Handle exception
Let us now see how to create a handler.
- Create a handler class with input and output POJOs:
public final class HelloWorldLambdaHandler implements RequestHandler<IAMOperationRequest, IAMOperationResponse> {
- Implement the handleRequest method with a switch statement to invoke an appropriate service method:
public IAMOperationResponse handleRequest(final IAMOperationRequest request, final Context context) {
context.getLogger().log("Requested operation = " + request.getOperation()
+ ". User name = " + request.getUserName());
switch (request.getOperation()) {
case "CREATE" :
return this.service.createUser(request.getUserName());
case "CHECK" :
return this.service.checkUser(request.getUserName());
case "DELETE" :
return this.service.deleteUser(request.getUserName());
return new IAMOperationResponse(null,
"Invalid operation " + request.getOperation()
+ ". Allowed: CREATE, CHECK, DELETE.");
- Package the dependencies into an uber JAR using mvn clean package.
Two JARs will be created: one with only class files (starting with original-) and an Uber JAR with all dependencies (starting with serverless-). We will use the Uber JAR in this recipe.
- Upload the JAR to S3:
aws s3 cp target/serverless-cookbook-iam-operations-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar s3://serverless-cookbook/iam-operations-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --profile admin
- Create a CloudFormation template for our lambda function.
You need to create a role with a trust policy that allows our Lambda to assume the role. You also need to create a policy with CloudFormation and IAM permissions.
We need to add permissions for IAM operations in our policies:
- Effect: Allow
- iam:CreateUser
- iam:DeleteUser
- iam:ListUsers
- Fn::Sub: arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:user/*
We have used a pseudo-parameter, AWS::AccountId, within a sub-intrinsic function to dynamically populate the account ID. I also improved the CloudWatch logging permission policy from the previous recipe using the pseudo-parameters:
- Effect: Allow
- logs:CreateLogStream
- Fn::Sub: arn:${AWS::Partition}:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/aws-sdk-iam-with-cf-cli:*
- Effect: Allow
- logs:PutLogEvents
- Fn::Sub: arn:${AWS::Partition}:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:/aws/lambda/aws-sdk-iam-with-cf-cli:*:*
You should be able to complete this recipe by referring to the previous recipe, Your First Lambda using CloudFormation.
- Upload the CloudFormation template to S3:
aws s3 cp ../resources/cf-template-iam-operations.yml s3://serverless-cookbook/cf-template-iam-operations.yml --profile admin
- Create a CloudFormation stack using the CloudFormation template from AWS CLI:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name myteststack --template-url --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --profile admin
This immediately responds with StackId. Note that you used a parameter, --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM. This is a security-related precaution. You are explicitly telling CloudFormation that you know what you are doing.
You can check the status of stack creation using the describe-stacks command:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <StackId> --profile admin
StackStatus: CREATE_COMPLETE means stack creation was successful.
- Verify the deployment with AWS CLI Lambda invoke:
aws lambda invoke --invocation-type RequestResponse --function-name aws-sdk-iam-with-cf-cli --log-type Tail --payload '{"operation":"CREATE", "userName":"abcd"}' --profile admin outputfile.txt
You can replace CREATE in the payload with CHECK for checking if the user was created, and DELETE for deleting the user.
- Delete the CloudFormation stack:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <StackId> --profile admin
How it works...
AWS SDKs are used to interact with AWS services programmatically. There are SDKs available for programming languages such as Java, .Net, Node.js. PHP, Python, Ruby, Browser, Go, and C++.
We uploaded our CloudFormation template to S3 and provided the location using --template-url. You can also specify the template contents directly or from a file using file:// with another option --template-body.
We created our roles for Lambda manually. If we are using Management console, we can create custom Lambda roles from within our Lambda create function page, or directly from IAM.
We used one new intrinsic function in our CloudFormation template, Fn::Sub. Fn::Sub, which substitutes variables in an input string with values that you specify. We used it to substitute the AWS Account ID and a few other values rather than hard-coding them.
We also used the following pseudo-parameters: AWS::AccountId, AWS::Partition, and AWS::Region, which represents the current account ID, partition, and region respectively. For most regions, the partition is aws. For resources in other partitions, the partition is named as aws-partitionn (for instance, aws-cn for China and aws-us-gov for the AWS GovCloud (US) region). Using pseudo-parameters lets us avoid worrying about the actual partition name.
There's more...
We used only basic IAM operations in this recipe. You can check the documentation and implement more complex operations from within Lambda code if interested.
Pseudo-parameters are predefined parameters provided by AWS CLoudFormation. You can use them within a Ref or a Sub function to dynamically populate values. Pseudo-parameters available to use within a CloudFormation template include AWS::AccountId, AWS::NotificationARNs, AWS::NoValue, AWS::Partition, AWS::Region, AWS::StackId, AWS::StackName, and AWS::URLSuffix.
Read more about pseudo-parameters at
See also