K-means clustering
K-means is the process of assigning objects to groups so that the sum of the squares of the groups is minimized. R has the kmeans
function available for cluster analysis. K-means is a method of determining clusters based on partitioning the data and assigning items in the dataset to the nearest cluster.
K-means clustering is done in R using the kmeans
function. The kmeans
function is defined as follows:
kmeans(x, centers, iter.max = 10, nstart = 1, algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong", "Lloyd", "Forgy","MacQueen"), trace=FALSE)
The various parameters of this function are described in the following table:
Parameter |
Description |
This is the dataset. |
This contains the number of centers/clusters to find. |
This stores the maximum number of iterations allowed. |
This contains the number of random clusters to find. |
This contains the algorithm to be used to determine clusters. |