In this chapter, you learned about three different, fundamental dimensionality reduction techniques for feature extraction: standard PCA, LDA, and KPCA. Using PCA, we projected data onto a lower-dimensional subspace to maximize the variance along the orthogonal feature axes, while ignoring the class labels. LDA, in contrast to PCA, is a technique for supervised dimensionality reduction, which means that it considers class information in the training dataset to attempt to maximize the class-separability in a linear feature space.
Lastly, you learned about a nonlinear feature extractor, KPCA. Using the kernel trick and a temporary projection into a higher-dimensional feature space, you were ultimately able to compress datasets consisting of nonlinear features onto a lower-dimensional subspace where the classes became linearly separable.
Equipped with these essential preprocessing techniques, you are now well prepared to learn about the best practices for efficiently incorporating...