Using PowerShell tools for port scanning
There are several open source PowerShell tools that support TCP/UDP port scanning. The following is an example of a PowerShell Scanning tool:
The IPv4PortScan is an asynchronous TCP scanning tool that allows a user to define the port range to be scanned. The command line for the tool is as follows:
.\IPv4PortScan.ps1 [-ComputerName] <String> [[-StartPort] <Int32>] [[-EndPort] <Int32>] [[-Threads] <Int32>] [[-Force]] [<CommonParameters>]
In the following, we will use this tool to scan the first 500 ports on the computer
PS> .\IPv4PortScan.ps1 -ComputerName -EndPort 500 Port Protocol ServiceName ServiceDescription Status ---- -------- ----------- ------------------ ------ 53 tcp domain &...