Time for action – aggregating football matches data with the Row Denormaliser step
Let's now work with the football matches files that you came across in Chapter 2, Getting Started with Transformations, and Chapter 3, Manipulating Real-world data.
In this tutorial, we will calculate the total and average number of goals converted in a match date-wise. You will calculate the numbers for both the USA and for Europe.
- Create a new transformation.
- Read the football matches files just as you did in the tutorials of Chapter 2, Getting Started with Transformations, and Chapter 3, Manipulating Real-world data. This time, however, we will add a new field. In the Text file input configuration window select the Additional output fields tab.
- In the Short filename field textbox, type the word
. - Do a preview. You should see this:
- Add a Split Fields step and create a hop from the Text file input step toward this.
- Use the step for splitting the field
into two fields of type String...