PRD layout
Now we will analyze the PRD layout bit by bit.
We can identify the following sections in the layout:
- Work area
- Insertable objects
- Report tree structure
- Style and Attributes
- Data panel
- Menu bar
- Shortcuts
- Tab section
- Format tools
- Message section and memory indicator
We will see the most important options in each section, and we will specify the area of the PRD layout where each of these sections are located.
The Work area
This is found at the center of the screen. This area is more commonly called Canvas, and this is where we will place the fields, charts, lines, and so on that we want to see in the report.

To the left of the Work area, we will find the following sections:
- Page Header
- Report Header
- Details
- Report Footer
- Page Footer
By default, only these sections are visible in the Work area of the new reports. There are other predetermined sections that are initially invisible, such as Group Footer and Group Header. New sections can also be added as subgroups.
Insertable objects
These are found on the...