Reliability assessment and remediation
We are nearing the end of this chapter, as Reliability is the second last pillar of the WAF we are going to discuss. Reliability is all about maintaining high availability of your workload such that you can meet metrics such as SLA, RPO, RTO, and so on. Our aim is to make sure that the services are up and running in case of catastrophic failure. In Chapter 6, Building Reliable Applications, we saw different techniques by which we can improve the high availability of our workloads. Let’s look at whether our architecture is aligned with the best practices and techniques. We’ll start with the questionnaire and get familiarized with the questions that are part of the reliability assessment.
By now, you know what to do if you want to conduct the Azure Well-Architected Review. We will start the assessment by selecting the Reliability pillar:

Figure 8.15 – Selecting the Reliability pillar...