New Relic
New Relic could be considered the granddaddy of SaaS monitoring tools, chances are that if you are a developer you will have heard of New Relic. It has been around for a while and it is the standard to which other SaaS tools compare themselves.
New Relic has grown into several products over the year, currently, they offer:
New Relic APM: The main application performance-monitoring tool. This is what most people will know New Relic for; this toll gives you the code level visibility of your application.
New Relic Mobile: A set of libraries to embed into your native mobile apps, giving APM levels of detail for your iOS and android application.
New Relic Insights: A high-level view of all of the metrics collected by other New Relic services.
New Relic Servers: Monitors your host servers, recording metrics around CPU, RAM, and storage utilization.
New Relic Browser: Gives you an insight into what happens with your web-based applications once they leave your servers and enter your end...