How is the function applied?
Up to this point, we have covered the first of two major questions to ask of every table calculation. That question was What is the function? Now we will proceed to the next question: How is the function applied? Let's try to understand that question via the three options shown here:
One application of |
Another application |
And another |
function is used in each of these three screenshots; however, it is applied differently in each. The first and second screenshots both display 1, 2, and 3 but differ directionally. The third screenshot ranges from 1 to 9. How is Index being applied in each case? Answering this question can be confusing because Tableau uses different terminology. Within Tableau itself, the way a table calculation is applied may be referred to as running along, moving along, compute using, or partitioning and addressing. For our purposes we will utilize the terms partitioning and addressing which we will define...