Saving, loading, and exporting models
Models can be saved anytime by clicking on the Save button () in the Processing modeler window. It is best to save early and often when working on a model. As we mentioned in the Configuring the modeler and naming a model section of this chapter, the first time a model is saved, you will be prompted to name the model file. Subsequent saves update the existing
file. There is also a Save as button () that can be used to save a new version of a model.
Models that are not saved to the Modeler folder can be opened using either of the following two ways:
By enabling the Processing Toolbox panel, navigating to Models | Tools, and then double-clicking on Add model from file
By using the Processing modeler window, and clicking on the Open model button (
In either case, navigate to the
Models can also be exported as image files. This is useful if the workflow needs to be presented or included in a report. To export a model, click on the...