Accelerate 277, 499, 508
using, to speed up PyTorch model training 508-510
actions 300
action-value function 304
activation functions 10, 21
leaky ReLU 12, 13
rectified linear units (ReLUs) 11, 12
sigmoid 10, 11
TanH 11
actor-critic method 303
Adadelta 14, 15
Adagrad 14
Adam optimizer 15, 16, 38, 105
agent 300
agent, training in Model-Free RL setting
policy optimization 303, 304
Q-learning 304
AlexNet 44, 55
fine-tuning 55-58
fine-tuning, with PyTorch 58-65
AlphaZero 303
Amazon Machine Image (AMI) 381
Amazon SageMaker
TorchServe, using with 383
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 347, 381, 508
PyTorch, using with 381
PyTorch model, deploying on 392
Android app
development environment, setting up 393-395
phone camera, using to capture images 395, 396
Android mobile device
app, launching 405-409
Android NDK (Native Development Kit) 393