Using ofTexture for memory optimization
There are two types of memory in a computer – Random Access Memory (RAM), which is used by the Central Processing Unit (CPU), and video memory, which is used by the video card; that is, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). RAM is intended for making calculations and video memory is used for drawing something on the screen.
A typical GPU contains hundreds of computing cores and its number is increasing every year. This is the reason why new GPUs can have more computing power than CPUs, which has just 1 to 16 cores. Today, almost all computations can be made on the GPU using technologies such as shaders, OpenCL or NVIDIA CUDA. Hence the CPU is no longer the most important unit in a computer. For example, the visual development platform Derivative Touch Designer (for Windows only) does its processing almost entirely on the GPU.
Though programming in GPUs is a very powerful tool, it's a little tricky when compared to CPU programming. Also, debugging GPUs...