A Deep Dive into the Flask Framework
Flask is a Python web framework that was created by Armin Ronacher to solve both web-based and API-related requirements that need a rapid development approach. It is a lightweight framework with helper classes and methods, a built-in server, a debugger, and a reloader, all of which are required for building scalable web applications and web services.
Unlike the Django framework, Flask is minimalistic and slimmer in that it requires more experience in using Python to craft various coding techniques and workarounds to implement its components. It is more open-ended and extensible than the full-stack Django, which is more friendly to newbies because of its easy-to-build projects and reusable components.
This first chapter will showcase the essential task itineraries that cover the initial components and base features of Flask 3.x that are essential in initiating our web development.
In this chapter, we will cover the following development tasks:
- Setting up the project baseline
- Creating routes and navigations
- Managing the requests and response data
- Implementing view templates
- Creating web forms
- Building the data layer with PostgreSQL
- Managing the project structure