Inclusive and exclusive routing
When Maven asks for an artifact from a Nexus proxy repository, Nexus knows where to look for it. For example, we have a proxy repository that runs at http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/central/
, which internally points to the remote repository that runs at
. Since there is one-to-one mapping between the proxy repository and the corresponding remote repository, Nexus can route the requests without much trouble. However, if Maven looks for an artifact via a Nexus group repository, then Nexus has to iterate through all the repositories in that group repository in order to find the exact artifact. There can be cases where we have more than 20 repositories in a single group repository, which can easily bring delays at the client side. To optimize artifact discovery in group repositories, we need to set the correct inclusive/exclusive routing rules.
Inclusive routing rules talk about which repositories to be included in...