Previewing the quiz
You now have one example of each possible question type in the project. It is now time to experience the quiz hands-on! Since you did not change any of the Quiz Preferences yet, you will live through the default quiz experience. Perform the following steps to preview the quiz:
Use the Filmstrip panel to return to slide 18.
Use the Preview | From this slide icon of the Big Buttons Bar to preview the project from slide 18 to the end.
Go through the entire quiz as a learner would.
When you reach the Quiz Results slide, click on the Review Quiz button.
The Review Quiz button takes you back to the first slide of the quiz. Use the Forward button of the Playback Controls bar to go through each Question Slide. Note how Captivate shows the right, wrong, incomplete, and expected answers.
When you get back to the Quiz Results slide, take some time to inspect the information it contains. Pay particular attention to the message written at the end of the slide (Sorry you failed or Congratulations...