Chapter 3. Magento 2 Theme Layout
"Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures" - Tom Peters.
Now that you've looked at what Magento has to offer in terms of themes, how themes in Magento work, and the terminology you can use to describe the various aspects of Magento themes, you can begin to look at customizing the look and feel of your store. In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:
- Magento 2 and Model-View-Controller architecture
- Command-Line Interface
- Magento 2 theme files
- Caching system
- Magento 2 layout system
- Creating your first Magento 2 theme
- Magento theme debug
Before developing your own Magento 2 theme, this chapter will explain some new concepts, resources, and tools that will assist in theme development. You'll notice very soon the importance of building a solid understanding of the Magento 2 theme infrastructure when you start to professionally build your very own...