Let's give the player the task of picking stuff up while it's trying to avoid the antagonists. The pickup items will be in the form of coins and diamonds to reward the player, or up the player's lifespan. And by rewarding the player, we are adding to the player's score. These pickup items include the following:
Now let's update our
function to load our items; we assume we have already added these objects in the Tiled map.
The items enlisted can be loaded into our game code as highlighted in bold text, similar to the way we loaded the player and enemy character inside in the LoadLevel()
function, as shown in the following code:
function LoadLevel(levelFile) map = loader.load(levelFile) ---fetch gravity property from map gravity = map.properties.gravity --- set gravity to 1000 gravity = 1000 FindSolidTiles(map) for i, obj in pairs( map("Objects").objects ) do if obj.type == "player" then PlayerSpawn(obj.x,obj.y-8) end if obj...