We have come a long way from where we started. We covered what configuration management is and what desired state really means. We heard a thing or two about DevOps and what it takes to utilize its practices in your day-to-day roles. We learned the ins and outs of how CM products approach configuration management and then how PowerShell DSC does it.
We dove right into the deep end of the DSC pool by covering its feature set across the two different versions that have been released so far, and then we went further down the rabbit hole in discovering what push and pull modes mean. We used the push model to deploy software and set the configuration of target nodes on demand. We set up DSC Pull Servers to automate DSC Resource and DSC configuration script distribution, centralize management of our target nodes, and create a central reporting system for configuration status.
We ended our journey with some real-world use cases for DSC and how to respond to changing requirements using DSC...