Future learning
If you feel like you have come a long way, you are right. There is always more to learn, however. While there are many other ways to make games, a discussion of game engines and libraries for different platforms is beyond the scope of this already rather heavy volume. You can, however, get started on diversifying by reading this article: http://gamecodeschool.com/blog/making-games-where-do-i-start/.
If you are hooked on Android Studio and Java, then there are two steps I recommend:
- Plan and make a game of your own.
- Keep learning.
When you plan your own game, be sure to do so in detail. Make sketches and think about how you will create each game object and how they will behave, what game states need to be monitored, and how the code will be structured.
With the "keep learning" step, you will find that when you are making a game, you will suddenly realize that there is a gap in your knowledge that needs to be filled to make some feature...