Chapter 6. Leaflet in Node.js, Python, and C#
In the first five chapters, you covered the fundamentals of Leaflet.js. You now know how to add a wide variety of basemaps from multiple sources and in several different formats. You can draw simple geometries as well as display data from servers, GeoJSON, and ESRI file formats. Creating visualizations from your data was covered in Chapter 3, Creating Heatmaps and Choropleth Maps. You also know how to customize the look and feel of your markers now and how to utilize plugins in order to add extra functionalities to your map.
In this last chapter, you will learn how to build applications utilizing Leaflet.js in three popular programming frameworks: Node.js, Python, and C#. In Node.js and Python, you will build a server to render your web page and allow for AJAX calls to display additional data. In the last example, using C#, you will build a desktop Windows application that embeds a web page into a form, connects to MongoDB, and retrieves...