Chapter 5. Deep Learning with TensorFlow
In this chapter, we will focus on TensorFlow and cover the following topics:
- Basic TensorFlow operations
- Machine learning from scratch with TensorFlow—regression, SGD classifier, and neural network
- Deep learning with SkFlow
- Incremental deep learning with large files
- Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras
The TensorFlow framework was introduced at the time of writing this book and already has proven to be a great addition to the machine learning landscape.
TensorFlow was started by the Google Brain Team consisting of most of the researchers that worked on important developments in deep learning in the recent decade (Geoffrey Hinton, Samy Bengio, and others). It is basically a next-generation development of an earlier generation of frameworks called DistBelief, a platform for distributed deep neural networks. Contrary to TensorFlow, DistBelief is not open source. Interesting examples of successful DistBelief projects are the reversed image...