Part 3: Running Applications on MicroK8s
This part focuses on the implementation aspects that are common for any IoT/edge computing applications, such as running your applications on a multi-node Raspberry Pi cluster, installing/configuring different CNI plugins for network connectivity, configuring load balancing, configuring logging, monitoring, alerting options, building, and deploying machine learning models, and serverless applications.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 5, Creating and Implementing Updates on Multi-Node Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Clusters
- Chapter 6, Configuring Connectivity for Containers
- Chapter 7, Setting Up MetalLB and Ingress for Load Balancing
- Chapter 8, Monitoring the Health of Infrastructure and Applications
- Chapter 9, Using Kubeflow to Run AI/MLOps Workloads
- Chapter 10, Going Serverless with Knative and OpenFaaS Frameworks