Connecting storyboard elements to outlets in a view controller
You’ve added a collection view to the Explore screen, but it won’t be able to display anything yet. You’ll need to implement a view controller to manage the view in the Explore screen. To do so, you’ll add a Cocoa Touch Class file to your project, declare and define a UIViewController
subclass in that file, and connect UI elements in the Explore screen to the code in your UIViewController
The Model-View-Controller design pattern and collection view controllers will be explained in more detail in Chapter 14, Getting Started with MVC and Collection Views.
Let’s start by adding a Cocoa Touch Class file to your project so you can declare and define a UIViewController
subclass in the next section.
Adding a Cocoa Touch Class file to your project
Cocoa Touch is the application development environment for building apps for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS...