Exploring our A.R.E.S. application
The A.R.E.S. robot presents an integration of various IoT components. It’s operated via the IoT joystick we created in Chapter 12 and communicates commands through MQTT to the Raspberry Pi. Our design will incorporate both a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a Raspberry Pi Pico H. In the following diagram, we see the outline of the A.R.E.S. robot, including the connection from the IoT joystick:

Figure 13.1 – The A.R.E.S. robot application
The Raspberry Pi 3B+, serving as the brain, uses UART (short for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) communication to relay commands to a Raspberry Pi Pico H, which in turn controls the car’s movements, LEDs, and buzzer, responding dynamically to inputs. Equipped with a VL53L0X sensor, A.R.E.S. can measure distances, allowing it to avoid obstacles. Additionally, an M5Stack camera mounted on A.R.E.S. streams real-time video, which can be viewed on any computer using a...